
John Mayer "SAY"

有看"The Bucket List",就會知道 John Mayer!!




Take out of your wasted honor 取出你浪費掉的榮譽

Every little past frustration 每個過去的小挫折

Take all your so-called problems 所有你所稱為問題的事

Better put 'em in quotations 最好把它們當成別人說的

Say what you need to say (x8) 說出你需要說的話 (x8)

Walking like a one man army 像一人軍隊一樣踏步

Fighting with the shadows in your head 與你腦中的陰影作戰

Living out the same old moment 活出重複的舊時刻

Knowing you'd be better off instead 要知道這樣你會更好

If you could only 如果你能真的

Say what you need to say (x8) 說出你需要說的話 (x8)

Have no fear 不要害怕

For giving in 讓步

Have no fear 不要害怕

For getting over 克服

You better know that in the end 你要知道在最後

It's better to say too much 說的太多也比

Then never to say what you need to say again 沒有再說出你該說的話來的好

Even if your hands are shaking 就算你的手在顫抖

And your faith is broken 你的信心也破碎了

Even as the eyes are closing 就算是眼睛閉著
Do it with a heart wide open... wide... 把心廣闊地打開來吧... 寬廣地...

